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Finished once more

Oki, so the book is updated once more, and there are no more planned additions to it, so I'll call it done. That is, if I don't stumble upon a special interaction which was somehow left undocumented. For instance, I only recently stumbled upon rushing Pawn starting a cascade (nothing special here), which blocks capture-field of opponent's Pawn, so that en passant is not possible anymore (whoops!). Missing details like this are always a possibility, the best I can do is update the book as needed.

What I really wanted to write about is what didn't made into the book. First thing is a (semi-)transparency of Unicorn and Shaman. This isn't really a problem, but a nuisance; it adds so much in complexity, without enhancing game-play really.
It also does not make sense. I always tried to have all pieces congruent with their role, their story. And having physical entities suddenly becoming transparent to physical is not it.

Other things that didn't make it into the book are resized and expanded Classical Chess variants. I started doing it as casual remarks at the end of the book, but then realized that (if described in sufficient detail) these variants would significantly overgrow its casual remark status.
Worse, those variants actually do not belong to the book. Just as each piece has its story, so does the book as a whole. You most likely don't want to be reading synopsis for 1984, while finishing Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

I was thinking for quite some time about a new book, where I'd  discuss mobility and calculated values of pieces in different variants. There is some chance that new book will be written, and  then alternative Classical Chess variants would be described in it. While I'd like to do it, right now is not the right time for it. That new book would be a major undertaking, and there are more important things I have to do.

My current plan is to finish game engine library and console application first. After that, I'll add enhanced PGN and other chess file formats support, and obviously document all enhancements done to adapt them for all Croatian Chess variants. And in a distant future, bot and networking support, then GUI application.

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